Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Luke - Winter Portraits


  1. Excellent portraits, Allison! I love the softness of the lighting and shallow depth of field. The colors lend themselves well to the cohesiveness and overall feeling of the portraits as well. :)

    1. Thank you very much, Suzanne! I have found this is the style of photography that I really like! Very natural. Also, I have my own website coming soon! :)

    2. Oh, you'll have to tell me about it once your website is set up! Are you thinking of launching your own photography business one day? That would be wonderful! I have been working toward starting a portfolio website too, but it will be my fashion design and photography together. :)

    3. I am currently working on a website and growing my photography, slowly. I would love to see your portfolio once it's up! I like the fashion design and photography idea. You definitely have the talent for it! :)

    4. Thank you, Allison! You so clearly have a passion for photography. It's wonderful to see your skill grow! Maybe we could do a collaboration one day. :)

    5. Why thank you! :) I would love to do a collaboration with you!
