Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall Scenery

 Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything. Things have been super busy around here. These are some pictures of Michigan's beautiful Fall scenery.
I love the way my friend Anna describes this wonderful season. So I thought I would share Her description of this lovely season for everyone to enjoy! :-)

I absolutely love the Autumn season! It's brilliant leaves, crystal rivers and streams reflecting the brilliance
and depth of the deep blue sky, harvest moons, sound of geese quickly flying over head, warm fire lit nights,
the twinkling of candles, the smell of hot apple pie, the taste of a steamy mug of cider, and the sound of the farmers diligently bringing in their fields before the Winter winds begin to blow. What an amazing creator the
Lord is! - Anna Walsh


  1. I really love to top picture. The framing is wonderful. I love the subtle rolling hill and the perspective of the rows. The atmosphere is lovely!

    1. I am happy with the top picture, but seeing the landscape in person is so much better. :)
